New Song: Lenny Kravitz’s “TK421” – He’s Here To Turn You On, Baby…Even While Brushing His Teeth


*Photo of Lenny Kravitz, proving he is one cool rock star…

Lenny Kravitz has returned with a brand new song – and quite the video – for the first time since 2018’s Raise Vibration. The new song is called “TK421.” While I wasn’t that high on Raise Vibration – although admittedly it had it’s moments – I did love the first track from that LP, “It’s Enough.” Much like that experience, I really like this funky new song. What that means for the LP, who knows? More about the song in a bit… but I think we must talk about the video.

I don’t usually comment too heavily on videos, but Lenny is bringing sexy back in a big way with this video. The video follows Lenny through what I can only assume is his usual morning “routine.” He awakes in the morning – well, it could be afternoon, the sun is up anyway – and naturally Lenny sleeps au naturale. And might I say, it’s nice to see his long dreadlocks are back. Once Lenny shakes off the sleep, he does what any naked sleeper does, he walks to the window and opens the drapes. When you’ve got amazing abs like Lenny, you apparently want to share them with the world. I hate to admit it, but I’m the exact same age as Lenny. I’ve had a gym membership since my 20s but clearly I’m not working out hard enough… but I digress. Anyway, standing naked in front of the window Lenny decides… it’s time to dance. Let’s just hope the neighbor’s kids are at school already or the authorities might be showing up soon.

After that morning ritual (?) it’s off to the shower where naturally he smokes a big spliff and once again shows off the Lenny abs. At this point I think I may have lost the Rock Chick to sudsy Lenny. After cavorting in his towel, it’s into some leather trousers and a sleeveless t-shirt. Then it’s time to play the guitar in front of the mirror. Apparently Lenny is a Star Wars fan as “TK421” is a reference to the Storm-troopers from those movies… It’s rumored that “TK421” may be a nick name for Lenny’s… well, Willy. After much cavorting on a hand shaped chair, where the protruding thumb is strategically placed, it’s time to leave the palais and head out to greet the day… Lenny’s mornings are certainly more energetic than mine. I usually have to make the bed and clean out the cat’s litter box. I guess some people just know how to live… Here’s the video but uh, you might want to be careful if you’re in a public space:


In terms of the song, as mentioned, I really like this thing. It’s starts with a blast of synth or distorted guitar and then the funk starts. It’s like a mellower “Are You Gonna Go My Way.” I defy anybody to hear these drums and not leave their seat. It kind of brings Prince to mind. A funky rocker, oh yes please. Lenny has eschewed the heavy political message of his last first single, “It’s Enough” for a blast of pure, sexy fun. The world is on fire, lets take our clothes off and dance, baby. What’s not to love. Lenny used a show biz name, Romeo Blue, prior to becoming, well, Lenny Kravitz and he’s said that this upcoming album is an attempt to reconnect with that early persona and the music he made back then. I’m certainly intrigued… Here’s a link to the new track, just in case the video is too much for you.

Lenny’s new album comes out in March of next year. It’s called Blue Electric Light. I think this first single bodes well. I know I’ll certainly playing the video for the Rock Chick before bedtime… at this point, I need all the help I can get.
